Monday 16 March 2015


As of the 16th March, we are currently busying editing our two-minute Thriller opening. Earlier last week, Alex created our production logo which will be included as one of the first things on screen... Here it is.

We used a black background as it is the most conventional colour to use for the genre. The white font is the most obvious colour to use to contrast the black. The slight red/cyan drop shadows used is to make the design 'pop' a bit more, and it is the traditional colours used in 3D cinema.

Holly and Meg are currently on the Macs, creating the short.

Last week we organised all of our files into two bins; Interrogation and Flashback.

We then named all of the files based off of what the shot's context includes. (e.g. CAR DRIVE PAST STATION)

We have learned from our last film that recording each sound piece separately is time consuming and just not effective in editing. Instead, we have continuously recorded the audio in one take - this should minus out choppy sound editing and badly synced dialogue.

It's all coming along well, but time management is clearly our biggest competitor as of now.


  1. For next time, you should really record sound separately - particularly the dialogue. Not much you can do now, unless you have done this. 4 days to go.

  2. The production logo is really good.
