Monday 23 March 2015


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?



We have progressed vastly from our preliminary task, to our final product in our technical skills for a few main reasons. In our Preliminary task we received this feedback  :
To improve.
Framing - some of your medium shots have the top of head out of frame. This does not work. It is fine with real close up work, but not in medium framed work.
Tripod was not used on the CU of door and the shot wobbles as a result - a shame. Always use Tripods unless you have real reason not to.
You MOA of the door opening has too much of a time delay. Holly opens door at pace, and then you have a reverse shot to Alex and then on return to Holly, she is still opening door. Watch again to see the error.

A very good effort - just be careful in how you frame shots in MCU or MS. bring the tripod down a bit to ensure all the subject is in frame.

In our preliminary our framing needed improvements, with shots like these being used which cut off the top parts of heads  and a large amount of space around the subject in medium shots, in our 'attempts of close ups'.

Later on, in our final product, we learnt how to frame better, filing up the background of the frame and not leaving so much empty space. For example these medium shots are framing the subject well, while giving information to the audience that we are in a different location, than a classroom or office. We also altered the tripod to make sure the subject was in view with the right shot distances making sure the actors were always in the frame.

Secondly the location is another point I feel we have progressed strongly on from from our preliminary task to our final product. For our preliminary, we filmed the product in a classroom at college, which although it was only tested our ability for editing techniques, the location altered the authenticity of the film. However for our final product, my father was able to let us use a room in Sutton Police Station, (our permissions post can be found here) which helped us convey the storyline better, making it seem more realistic, whereas if we had filmed in the same location as we filmed for the preliminary, it would of looked a lot different. 

Another way we improved was the genre and the storyline. Originally for our Preliminary we were very unprepared, and as our plan for our storyline did not work out we had to improvise a storyline. This made our new genre a 'comedy' and our storyline fit to that genre. For our final product we were very prepared, with multiple blog posts of us planning out the scene, our 'pre-planning' post, where we discussed ideas for the film, and 'more planning' involving locations. Our 'thriller building' post, involved all of our technical development from the preliminary to the final product for the construction of character and story. It established storyline, although it was later adapted to fit with our actors that could make it, We were much better prepared as a group for the entire project. We stuck to the appropriate genre of a thriller. 

Our sound and vision editing was greatly improved from our preliminary, We edited in titles, accompanied by sound, which improved the authenticity of our film, and improved from the preliminary.  

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