Wednesday 11 February 2015


Elijah Lowe:
Image result for slicked back hair
(The hair we imagine Elijah to have)
Hair and Makeup- Elijah will have no scarring, blood used or wounds. He will be presented in a slick fashion, with his hair slicked back, giving him a confident 'look' When we flashback to the murder Elijah will be in disguise so the victim will have no idea who he is. for this we shall be presenting him in a mask, created with SFX makeup.

Costume- Elijah will be presented in a clean cut manner as if to contrast the charcters appearence and his mental sanity. He will wear black clothing to give off a collected persona and reflect his inner 'being', we will be able to borrow and access clothing from Alex's wardrobe.

Body language and Facial expression- He will have a calm body langauge and facial expression in the interrogation scene which will contrast with the murder flashbacks, he will be deranged and angry.
Gareth Cox:
Hair and Makeup- no blood no scarring or wounds will be used, he will be presented as clean cut, his hairstle will be messy to show his exasperated nature with his job.

Image result for suit and tie detective
costume for Gareth(left)
Costume- He will be dressed in a shirt and tie, to show him in an authoritive position of a detective. We will once again be able to use clothes from Alex's wardrobe.

Body Language and Facial expression- He will have a calm persona although he will run his hands through his hair to show his frustration and exasperation with the case.

Trent Haywood:
Hair and Makeup- Although we will see him briefly Trent will be shown with scarring and blood and wounds through the use of SFX makeup.

Costume-he will be dressed in normal clothing, which will get covered in blood after his murder. We will have access through these clothes through using Alex's wardrobe. 

Body language and Facial expression- Trent will be shown as terrified and scared as he is running away from his killer.


  1. You need some detail now - this is fine for initial ideas, but we will need to see the actual costume etc that you intend to use - revisit this post when you have decided and maybe just add some video footage showing what you intend to use.

  2. Permissions - evidence of this - video, e mails, text threads etc.
    Characters - who is acting these parts - organisation etc.
    more of your storyboard
    sound research

    All these need to be added
    Check your booklet (also accessible through Moodle) for a full list of the requirements.
