Sunday 25 January 2015


Following our presentation to the class of our short film, we received feedback from teachers and peers on how we can improve for our Thriller opening.

  • We completed  the main task - we used the 180 degree rule correctly, showed Shot-Reverse-Shot, and showed an example of Match on Action
  • We received positive feedback on the narrative, and one member of the class commented that "I'm Batman." was the last thing he expected.
  • Our teachers had commented on our good use of white balance.
  • We also received positive feedback on our filters - they were used accordingly and effectively.

  • We had a mixed reaction on our framing - originally we were told to be ambitious with our positioning, but we experimented with framing that just wasn't effective.
  • Our MoA did come up as something to work on. For our MoA of the door opening, the timings were slightly out, causing a delay in time. This is another thing we will look closely at during editing.)
  • We also had a comment that the CU of the door was a bit shaky as we did not use a tripod - we're not entirely sure how/why this happened, but will be sure to always overlook our footage
  • Out of the classroom, one of our friends commented that the gaps between dialogue seemed quite long - so this is something else to consider in our thriller opening.

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